WINZAVOD contemporary art center
invites to the «START»

Open-call Museum of Architecture named after Shchusev

An exhibition on the concept of the house and its transformation over time.

The museum invites artists, architects and researchers to participate in the project, whose fields of interest include "reflection on private and public; home as a refuge and source of danger; home as a museum; a utopian world within the rigid framework of reality; official ideology and counter culture; gentrification and heritage preservation".

Contributors are welcome:

- Already implemented works on the theme in different genres: painting, sculpture, installation, architectural projects, photography, video, performances, research;

- ideas for works that require implementation;

- materials for printed publication.

You can send your application to with a note "Shchuseva-2021".
Applications will be accepted until February 20, 2020.

Detailed information: