WINZAVOD contemporary art center
invites to the «START»


Acceptance of works until August 16, 2019.
The competition, organized by ROSE art galleries, aims to identify talented artists, amateurs or professionals whose works will be presented at the Affordable Art Fair New York Fall 2019.
It is designed to accelerate the careers of unknown artists by participating in the Affordable Art Fair of New York, an internationally recognized platform for discovering new talent.

- Level 1 PRIZE: 3 prizes.
The winning artworks will go to the Affordable Art Fair in New York City and will be showcased for sale to visitors.
The winners of the competition will sign a contract with the ROSE Gallery' for annual placement and promotion.
Publication in the GO! NEW YORK!
Winner's diploma GO! NEW YORK!
Transportation of work to the exhibition (from Moscow) and registration of the permit for export.

- PRIZE of the 2nd level: 7 prizes places.
The winners of the contest will sign a contract with ROSE' gallery for annual accommodation and promotion.
Publication in the GO! NEW YORK!
Laureate diploma of GO! NEW YORK!
