"Lonely hearts club "Café of the dancing lights". Form and discourse"

June 26, 2017 in the framework of the first exhibition of the new season of project to support young art START, SRC WINERY will be an open discussion "lonely hearts Club «Café of the dancing lights”. Form and discourse”.
Participants will speculate about loneliness and its negative and positive sides will discuss what form can take the art to consider this issue, and talk about “the Café of the dancing lights” as an experiment, creating an exhibition-the Dating club for single people.
the Curator of the project START of the SRC WINZAVOD Faith Trachtenberg: “the Modernist model of man instilled in us a taste for the bourgeois loneliness, and postmodernism is cemented as a positive quality as a reason for pride – I was alienated, so I'm free. SEGodnosnie generation of young people across a variety of communications lonelier than the first settlers of the big cities, people from villages. We live in a time vaguely reminiscent of late brezhnevism: we have no project of the future, loneliness does not make sense, we don't know, something to live for. Every young man, whose consciousness was formed in the last 20 years, is free to exist in its own time — this is the real difference between “new loneliness”. Go there in the 1990s, 1980s or nostalgic for 2000 — every now chooses”.
Participants of the discussion:
• Grouping ZIP
The ZIP group was established in 2009 in Krasnodar. Parties: Stepan Subbotin, Vasily Subbotin, Evgeny Rimkevich and Eldar Ganeev. The group was founded by self-proclaimed Krasnodar Institute of contemporary art (KISI), conduct educational activities, organises exhibitions of young artists, the public art festivals, including the Kuban festival of Dada.
• Mariana Karyshev
Mariana Karyshev graduated from state academic University for Humanities and Institute BASE, the curator, the participant of several group exhibitions, editor of catalogues and monographs; photo and videodocumentation project Elmiry of Balatan “Date night at the Museum”.
• Victoria Marchenkova
Victoria Marchenkova — a Russian artist. The nominee of Kandinsky Prize 2012 in the category of “Young artist” and the Kandinsky Prize 2014 in the category “Scientific” for his thesis “language Features of narrative video art”.
• Daria Orlova
Daria Orlova — the artist, the author of the exhibition “the Café of the dancing lights” on the site of the START, the graduate of the Krasnodar Institute of contemporary art (KISI), a participant in group exhibitions.
• moderator: Faith Trachtenberg
Faith Trachtenberg — the curator of the project start of the season 2017/2018 art. In 2015-2016, he was curator of the resonance exhibition projects: “Sculpture, which we do not see" CEH “the arena”, August 2015; "worker and kolkhoz woman. Own business” (together with Andrei Persikovymi), IEC “worker and collective farm”, 2015 – February 2016; worked on the creation of a new permanent exhibition in the exhibition centre “worker and collective farm girl" open in 2016.
2016 teaches at the British Higher School of Design course “a New artistic strategy”. Head of Department of completing of Museum collections FGBUK gmvts “ROSIZO”.
About the exhibition:
In his first personal project Daria Orlova investigates the problem of loneliness in the modern world. Total installation, created on the model of the cultural centers of the Soviet era, simulates a utopian Dating club for single people. The interior and everyday life in the exhibition are juxtaposed with the artwork of the artist: drawings, collages and objects. Viewers will be able to enroll in the club and even go on a date.
The exhibition runs until July 2, 2017