Performance of Ivan Krasikov "Space candy" will take place in "night at the Museum" at the Winery

this year's event program “Night at the Museum” in CSR WINERY will combine the theme of space. Artists, poets and performers will present their arguments about cosmism and border States — dreams, dreams and dreams. Viewers expect performances from theatre “Sketches in space” and sculptor of the Novel, Yermakov, group PoemaTheatre and artist of the project, the START of Ivan Krasikov; the performance of the young Director Vasi Berezina, children's workshops and a new exhibition in the jubilee cycle “Farewell to eternal youth” — “the City sauna” group Urban Fauna Lab.
a Large area, 19:00-20:00
the Artist of the project “START” Ivan Hryaschikov in the eyes of the audience will dissolve a ball of caramel and show what is inside of each of its colored layers.