Start the artist Evgeny Antufiev at the exhibition "All eyes on me"

From the end of June to beginning of September Pechersky Gallery at the Winery is a group curatorial project on selfishly contemporary culture.
In the project take part the artists of the gallery — Eugene Grandparents, Maria Agureeva, Kirill Garshin, and the authors, whose art is a reference to its time — Evgeny Antufiev, Fabian Knecht, Oleg Dou, Alexander Skorobogatov, Egor Kraft, Dunya Zakharova.
the Desire of fixing his image was inherent to man throughout history. From petroglyphs, paleontology of Venus to the Egyptian funerary cult, from the Renaissance to the present day, the sight of their own image calms, gives self-confidence. Keeping it gives the right to stay in the history, although not an antidote to oblivion. In 2013, the neologism “selfie” has become a word of the year by the Oxford Dictionary, and the number of photos with the hashtag “selfie”, “me”, “I” has long exceeded the hundreds of millions. Interesting in this context is the function of # hashtag. Essentially a hashtag is a manifestation of self-objectification. Through nominalization your image, the Respondent turns it into a commodity, thereby simplifying it to the typical characteristics to facilitate search in social networks. Paradoxically, in selfishly connected to two opposite aspirations — typing/searching and further emphasizing his own originality.
One of the main theorists of new media, Marshall McLuhan, in the fourth Chapter of his book "Understanding media" (1964) refers to the myth of Narcissus. He focuses on the fact that Narcissus falls in love in yourself, and in your face formalized in another, differing from it the very material-carrier of the reproduced image. McLuhan stresses that the first reaction of the narcissist with his reflection was numb, following the adoption of his image for another, and only then charm yourself. The process of recognizing themselves in the reflection, seems to us the instant, passes the same stages of rejection-acceptance. Only with the difference that inside the social network the user is free to adjust and play with his identity.
Start the Artist Evgeny Antufiev presented the process of selfishly and narcissistically search of their own identity in the archaic practice of transferring the image from the face on the mask.