Interview with the author of the exhibition "Cultivated weed" Elizabeth Chuhlantseva

site START up the end of July was held the first personal exhibition of young artist Elizabeth Chuhlantseva “Cultivated weeds”. This is a story about the elusive childhood, finding yourself and the love you can feel and realize only after returning home. We met with Lisa the Winery to talk about all these important things.
Lisa, you know that your show site LAUNCH “Cultivated weeds” men wipe their tears? Men, far from modern art — I personally seen one teacher of physical education…
Oh, it is the best review! Are you serious? I she just burst into tears! Can I you?
Come on! But seriously, I think the exhibition was very personal, it is a deep dive in your feelings that not even know how to reflect on this frankness. Your personal drama — the unexpected departure of Pope — initiated dive in your childhood memories. You dropped out and noise of Moscow, fleeing in Kazan, where she was born and grew up. There everyone froze and nothing changed, there is all those the carpets on the walls, the same love?
Home — it is the same love. Love with a capital letter, which is scary to say.
You mind my mother's and grandmother's love?
when I came back, I felt like a child. I realized that someone responsible for my whole life, love me for who I am est. Such love inspires me on my work. Love people who are mentally and emotionally Ko I tied. This topic I want to explore in their projects. Family means a lot to me, and I want to talk about respects personal, peer-to-peer. They are very deep and important.
That are you inspired to go to remove the realities of his childhood?
I tried to understand it is the child. I believe that the child — is a social construct. To this point I never been so closely connected with the past.
How you lived up to how you had to go back to your hometown?
I had to leave Moscow very suddenly. In this time me in life many things were going on. I almost moved to Vienna. My art then was purely aesthetic. But I came home, and this whole situation broke me and my idea of work. The only possible field of study was Russia. I realized that I want to work only with it. Because it is the closest and most native. It's amazing how many in us are already contained how can we on this topic to draw.
How you returned his childhood?
It was a very long process of awareness. I reviewed 20 hours of children's video, which was filmed by my parents. This is the best movie — a complete delight. I revised not could not believe that there is in the universe, in which there is such pure love, where everything is tied to love. On these records my dad is watching my daughter's life. I looked tried to understand him, understand how he was a man. I watched his student photos. I was able to understand it, and I felt a kinship that in some time lost, being somewhere in time.
As the theme of childhood became incarnate in your work?
There are some things that has always bothered me. There is a sign of Ouroboros, and I always thought of eternal return, of the fact that everything repeats itself, that nothing is random. When I came back home, full circle. I started going through our family archives and came across the video where my sister draws on the closet shakalaka. Parents can not respond to the fact that it spoils the wardrobe. They just take it off. Mom builds her horns. She asked who she drew, and she says it's Lisa. I wanted to repeat its pattern. He was the starting point for my objects. First installation &zakalyaka. It's me. Have Chukovsky is a poem about shakalaka. In it Morocco drew, then stopped and began to cry. Asked her why, she replied that she was frightened of his drawing. I thought I always too afraid to look at yourself to do the psychoanalysis. I started to do it: analyze yourself and try to find in this sense. It was scary and painful.
I really like children's art as and creativity of the mentally ill. In clearly the unconscious, some kind of emotional lift. This is what comes out of you no control of the mind.
let's return to the connection between generations and your study of the theme of childhood…
I addicted to theory of evolution: man — it's the only creature of which the mother can look after the entire life. This feeling of love, affection it to its biological essence. But this is a very strong physical response of the body.
you Need to understand not only the past, but and how this is present. There is a crossing, and these relationships need to grasp and comprehend.
In your photos you make at home, you felt this connection of the past with the true?
I tried to find in these pictures that appeared again in me love middle, children. I tried to understand whence comes the love. Early was ashamed to admit that you hold a plush toy, but now it's very sincere. On one of photos of my grandma. When I took this picture, she was sitting in room, I she was talking about childhood. We talked, and have her knees lay the blue elephant, the whole broken, scratched by cats. She looked on me, took the elephant and began to hug him. She talked about that “here, me all your toys, diaper…” I know what it means to them — the universal feeling of love that are given to us from somewhere. I took a picture of her in this moment. Then I began to notice something similar other situations. For example, the hero of another of my photos — a very strange profession, it offers to be photographed with the monkeys. First, I think that he's manipulating your feelings, wants earn then I realize that it is not quite so. When I saw car, two monkeys clung around him and looked like toys, he so kindly for did hug them with such tenderness. I thought: “my God, all people is love. All have very strong feelings for someone”. Most often they manifestations can be captured using some attributes of childhood.
Why did you choose to as a story for exhibition tales Chukovsky?
Tales Chukovsky — this tale, which I read mom and Granny childhood. Before I just thought that this is my favorite tales, but never thought about what they really. Having been in loved the Museum Chukovsky, I learned the tragic history of his family, his relationship with authority, how his daughter kicked out of the writers ' Union, as they kept on the country people. It is close to what is happening in Russia. His poems were banned for 10 years. This can happen with any artist in the modern world.
these tales have very deep morals and to me they are still alive. All my objects — it is the characters of fairy tales. I found on my General Saffiulina in Kazan. Police Department “far” — Zlatovruh cockroach. It is close to where I live. I know that most people who follow the news, know about this police Department. There were raping people and has happened a lot of terrible things. This is the only police Department where I could contact if would I need. It's so close that it is impossible about not think.
There is another miracle tree is a&KDE; mallow (Polutornik who grows up, despite the rain the fact that his tread). I was always fascinated by my grandmother, who on the background of the white panel houses arrange gardens toys, variegated colors. They live in some fantastic world and I believe that they happy. This weed will please anyone ever, even someone who's never intended for joy. This weed, he's like happiness will grow always.