In the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, an exhibition with the participation of graduate Start Akhmetgalieva

Video installation Nocturne of Princess Tatiana Akhmetgalieva at the exhibition “the House experiences. The classic and the contemporary media art”
From may 26 to 30 September in the Manor of Prince Golitsyn, the exhibition «House of impressions. Classic and modern media art". This is the first draft of the new Department of film and media arts Pushkin Museum. Pushkin . Exhibition «House of impressions. The classic and the contemporary media art” – a collection of nineteen works by the outstanding video and media artists the XX–XXI century. The project is about the collision of past and present innovation processes that took place in the XX century, connected with “freeing” of artistic means.
Princess Video installation Nocturne (2016) is created especially for vintage ceiling that sleepless nights could look the Princess Golitsyn (she did not sleep at night due to the predictions of fortune tellers death during sleep). Tatiana Akhmetgalieva addresses the topic of man's relationship with reality through the distortion of the visual image; visual culture theorist, psychoanalyst Victor Mazin with sound helps her to understand the irrational motives of the Night Princess.
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