WINZAVOD contemporary art center
invites to the «START»

Exhibition "beauty Salon". Views

Very soon on the site START will open a new exhibition, and yet share the views of the guests on the second show of the season 2015/2016 “beauty shop” Elena Martynenko.

Natalia, a student:

“the show is very layered. The first thing you pay attention – this, of course, objects themselves. Nail Polish material new and for me unexpected. In addition, if you leave the visual component, the exhibition theme is beauty sounds in many different aspects. Here and philosophy, and aesthetics, and appeal to mass culture. Something to think about and something to think about”.


Igor, designer:

“at first glance, the exhibition is puzzling. To understand it, you need some time to be in this space, and carefully follow their feelings. The answers to the questions that arise in the first few minutes, begin to give us in the exposition. This exhibition is not only about women and their desire to be perfect, but that behind this desire is hidden”.


Cristina, Manager:

“This exhibition was opened by a remarkable artist. It is very accurate and the performance and the ideas that it reveals. Around this exhibition built up a wide discourse. I really like the site START, because it not only shows new and young artists, but also forms a specific discourse”.


Anastasia, the creative Director of an advertising Agency:

“the Exhibition is not large, but conceptually complete. It is the author's statement. This is very important”.