the Exhibition is held with 17.12.2015 on 31.01.2016. in the red hall of WINZAVOD.
the Artists participating in the project — the fellows of the Creative Union of artists of Russia in the framework of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation for support of young cultural figures and art, the Russian Government approved in 2014. TLC Russia gave life to this project by submitting their candidates for scholarships in the “interregional Youth creative workshop "Dialogues with the classics". Throughout 2015 curated by Diana Machulina worked with fellows at the end of which TLC Russia this exhibition represents.
All participants received a classical education and followed the academic tradition, taking care of the plastic perfection of utterance. However, the question of what a classic that can be chosen as a basis and guideline for life, the authors have no clear answer. "Modernization or tradition?” — this question relates to all areas of life, but the culture among them is leading, as the embodiment of the choice made reflected in the works of 21 artists from 16 regions of Russia.
In the presented projects there is no unity of positions. Participating in the exhibition of regional artists there are those who have long been working in the system of contemporary art and those who this system is fundamentally opposed to or simply not well informed. Anyway, the participants of this project — the authentic representatives of the regions, working “field”, creating a cultural environment for his work, and sometimes — even creating their own art institutions. The exhibition conservatives coexist with the followers of gangsta rap, and the Gentiles are art-objects, and authors, and feminist ideas are turned into «Domostroi». «this is the difference of opinions and aspirations we want to show and save ’, says exhibition curator Diana Machulina. Have you ever called a beautiful tree with one root and one branch? This looks more like a stick being driven in a certain direction. For participants to identify such different roots and different branches of thought suggests that the choice of direction — a lively and personal process". Thus, the exhibition, in a sense, " objective "digest" opinions of the generation that will shape the near future.