The concept of the project
"I'm an artist" type of identity, as well is any other one is always a good way to pretend you're someone far more serious and important, then a fragile pinkish body
"I'm an artist" type of identity, as well is any other one is always a good way to pretend you're someone far more serious and important, then a fragile pinkish body
"I'm an artist"as an identity is only a way to pretend, that you're semething different and far more important, then a pinkish always cold body
Previous work documentation
If my aspirations about exhibition in Tate ever come true, will it be anything about my current dreamy picture?
Interior desires of a soviet person of 70s were preserved in certain serbian flat - the lost dream, lost paradise, which is not needed anymore become a rubbish - or a lost paradise
Painting over the plastic bag, monotyped on the bedding sheet.