WINZAVOD contemporary art center
invites to the «START»

13.02.2013 — 17.03.2013

Next to Nothing

Project author:

Ekaterina Lupanova

START's artist

Words seem to carry less and less weight nowadays.

Grand Manière and analytical method are long since gone and there’s no replacement for them yet. Foreign theorists’ works are translated rather fragmentarily which makes impossible to apprehend current state of art as an entity.

We have to invent our own methods based mostly on our personal experience.

Yekaterina Lupanova forms an experimental system of relations to explore the day-to-day experience. She creates a sound diary of her ordinary day combining her own audio recordings and belongings into complex installation. This sort of ordinariness presumes its perception beyond visual components. In this case the look plays secondary role comparing to the sense of touch and hearing. This is an attempt to reconsider the environment and to define one’s self in it.

«My objects and materials themselves are not works of art. The art is the sounding that stands behind them».

Objects which compose the installation represent nothing but themselves. It’s the sound of their everyday usage that makes them a work of art.

Paper and foil rustle, gravel crackle and projector clicking may not have their effect. The art reveals itself in action. This is the only way for the audience to witness another basis.


Catherine Lupanova designed the system to to explore the every day life experience. It is provided by tру audio diary of her common day. She made of her personal recordings and objects a complicated installation. The routine objects are perceived without a visual component. The eye is secondary to the tactile and auditory sensations. It is her attempt to review the reality and to find her place in it.